Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lama Wangdor Rinpoche NOLA schedule

Please check out the exciting visitor who is coming to New Orleans in two weeks! Besides being a profound Dzogchen Master, Lama Wagdor Rinpoche has worked with LHA for many years, while tirelessly supporting his community of retreatant nuns,  and the people of Tso Pema, India.  We are honored to collaborate with Tulane University to help bring his wisdom to Louisiana.  So mark your calendars, below is his schedule of teachings:

-Thurs 4/16, 7-9pm @ Louisiana Himalaya Association (LHA) Community Center, 623 N. Rendon Street, New Orleans, LA 70119. Teaching will include Guru mantra and 7-line supplication transmission and blessings, and introduction to meditation on the nature of mind. Venue is small, please arrive early if possible.

-Fri 4/17, 7-8:30pm @ Tulane University Lavin-Bernick Center (# 29 on campus map), 6823 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70118. Public talk on altruism and introduction to meditation on the nature of mind.

-Sat 4/18, 10-12am, 2-4pm @ Tulane University Rogers Memorial Chapel (# 73 on campus map), 6823 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70118. Seminar on meditation on the nature of mind. Light refreshments served.  

The historic New Orleans streetcar runs from the Central Business District next to the French Quarter along St. Charles Avenue to Tulane University. It costs $1.25 to ride and takes 30-40 minutes the whole way.

***The Tulane buildings will be air-conditioned so people should bring shawls or sweaters as it may be cold. Also, if people prefer to sit on cushions on the ground, they are encouraged to bring their own, as we have a limited number.

Suggested Donations TBA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi.. thanks for sharing information with us...
Nice blog..

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